Catharine DeLong, CM-Th
Harp Instructor | Salt Lake City, UT
Catharine DeLong is a certified music-thanatologist, hospice chaplain, and end-of-life educator based in Salt Lake City. She certified through the Chalice of Repose Project in 2014, and Music-Thanatology Association International in 2019. Catharine is a 2019 graduate and ordained minister affiliated with the One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. She began harp studies at the age of eleven, and has worked as as a freelance musician most of her life. She represented premier harp maker Lyon & Healy Harps in the showroom and at trade shows globally from 2002-2008, and is a registered Suzuki harp teacher. She shares “Music as Medicine at the End of Life,” as a core faculty member of the Art of Dying Institute in Manhattan. She offers “Making Friends with Death,” a course with California Institute of Human Science. Catharine composed and performed the original score for EPIPHANY, a short film released in 2023 by the Colors in Motion audio visual group. Her 2021 video performance at the edge of the shrinking Great Salt Lake brings awareness to climate thanatology.